Acknowledgements and Credits



I figured out many years ago that God gave me a gift to teach the bible, especially through written communication.  I want to use that gift to glorify God, through this book and my other writings.  First of all, my thanks to all the pastors and bible expositors through the years who have influenced me as a bible teacher.  I have quoted many of them in this book.  In most cases of the quotations, I can’t remember the exact place where I have heard the quotes given in this book, but I remember them as written.  If I have misquoted them, or said anything out of context, please forgive me.  The intent is to glorify God and simply teach the bible, simply, as it is written.  May God reward all of you greatly as you have influenced me and millions of others.


My thanks to Mary Kae Dargan, who as an English teacher has acted as a proof reader and helped me rewrite many a confusing paragraph.  Further thanks to my many readers of the early editions of this manuscript who gave further pointers and suggestions.